
2025 Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum Annual Conference

The 2025 CHEF annual conference, Empowering Choices: Ethical Dimensions of Patient Autonomy, Advance Directives, and Surrogate Decision-Making will offer healthcare professionals and ethics consultants tools for navigating complex ethical issues in supporting patient decision-making.  The conference will include both traditional presentations and interactive workshops focused on ethical issues in advance care planning, patient-centered decision aids, capacity assessments, and surrogate decision-making.  Experts in the field will provide tools for promoting equitable and inclusive decision-making in various contexts from hospitals to clinics,  from pediatric care to adult care.

The 2025 Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum annual conference will explore the following:

  1. Participants will develop effective communication strategies for supporting patients in their treatment decisions.

  2. Participants will deepen their understanding of ethical issues that arise in the process of advance care planning.

  3. Participants will enhance their understanding of ethical issues in surrogate decision-making.

  4. Participants will expand their knowledge of ethical and legal issues in existing and proposed Colorado legislation on advance care planning and surrogate decision-making

  5. Participants will improve their understanding of ethical issues surrounding patient decision-making about mental and behavioral health treatment in Colorado

  6. Participants will acquire skills for conducting ethics consultations regarding patient and surrogate decision-making.

  7. Participants will identify gaps in their knowledge about how to support equitable and inclusive healthcare decision-making.

Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at li_schick@hotmail.com for info and more.

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