About me
ELIZABETH A. MORAN, JD, serves as Executive Director for Arc of Colorado (ArcCO), serves on the Colorado Governor’s Disability Rights Task Force, The ArcUS Legal Advocacy Committee, and is editor/facilitator of the National Guardianship Association’s Annual Legal & Legislative Review on Guardianship. Prior to joining the ArcCO team, Elizabeth served as Chief Counsel at the ABA Commission on Law and Aging where she provided substantive support and expertise on law, policy, practice, and reform in the areas of guardianship, supported decision-making, adult capacity, and abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals with disabilities impacting their ability to effectively communicate. She also previously served as Deputy Director of the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council and Chair of Missouri’s Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Elizabeth is a sibling of an individual with an IDD diagnosis and daughter of a parent diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She is passionate in her efforts to promote and protect the human rights, will, preferences, and the dignity of choice for individuals with cognitive disabilities.