
Thursday June 5, 2025 1:05pm - 1:55pm MDT
Emily and Erin will review Colorado’s state statute on who can determine medical decision-making capacity, and the limitations that imposes. They will then discuss how the UCHealth system evaluates and captures patient's capacity, prior to their intervention and how they have altered this process to better align with patient autonomy. Their conversation will inspire thoughts on how to apply patient-centered assessment and advocacy through multi-disciplinary team collaboration at your own work setting.

-Define Capacity per CO State Statute and how that applies within the healthcare setting -Describe UCHealth’s former and now current way of capturing patient decision making capacity -Evaluate patient-centered capacity assessments in your own setting
avatar for Erin Nielsen, LCSW

Erin Nielsen, LCSW

Supervisor of Social Work Services, System Educator, UCHealth
Erin has been a clinical licensed social worker for twenty years, dedicating the majority of that time to working with those at the end of their life as a palliative care specialist, in the community as well as within the UCHealth system. Erin has been with UCHealth for over eleven... Read More →
avatar for Emily McDonnell, LCSW

Emily McDonnell, LCSW

Post Acute Care Complex Social Worker, UCHealth
Emily is a licensed clinical social worker and has worked at UCHealth for the last 7 years. She started as a medical social worker and transitioned to the role of guardianship social worker for the UCHealth system where she developed a true passion for working with patients and care... Read More →
Thursday June 5, 2025 1:05pm - 1:55pm MDT
LCC Room 100 B-C

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