
Friday June 6, 2025 11:15am - 12:10pm MDT
Join Elizabeth Moran, Executive Director at The Arc of Colorado, to learn more about Colorado's Supported Decision-making (SDM) Agreement law, what SMD is, and isn't, and 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW to be a part of meaningful systems change that honors dignity of choice and supporting an individual's will and preference. This session will provide a 2024 guardianship-to-supported decision-making case study, with ample time for Q&A and participant discussion.  

Session objectives:

1. Identify less-restrictive alternatives to guardianship/conservatorship.
2. Have a basic understanding of generally recognized best practices of Supported Decision-Making and related agreements.
3. Identify up to 5 things (tools or action steps) they can take RIGHT NOW to incorporate SDM into their practice.
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Elizabeth Moran, JD

Executive Director, The ARC of Colorado
ELIZABETH A. MORAN, JD, serves as Executive Director for Arc of Colorado (ArcCO), serves on the Colorado Governor’s Disability Rights Task Force, The ArcUS Legal Advocacy Committee, and is editor/facilitator of the National Guardianship Association’s Annual Legal & Legislative... Read More →
Friday June 6, 2025 11:15am - 12:10pm MDT
LCC Room 100 B-C

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